Sunday, December 8, 2013

Easily Forgettable........

I had a job interview where I was told that I had great qualifications but I was easily forgotten.  As I sat there listening to the words come out of his mouth I couldn't speak.  I was speechless.  Forgettable?  Really?  Well to my surprise I was offer the job on the spot because as soon as I walked out I was to be "forgotten".

 So what brings me to my title?  How often do we forget about the TRUE meaning of Christmas?  Is it all about the presents? Santa? Food? Hmmmm...........Nope not about that at all.  Christmas is the celebration of our Lord Jesus Christ!  But let me tell you our family has Santa come and visit.  His elf named Elf (don't think Abigail understood when she named him) comes yearly to watch over our girls.  I rush around on Black Friday finding the best deals, mark everything off my list, make sure that all the Christmas gifts are bought and wrapped.  Our living room is decked out with a Christmas tree, garland, wreath, bright red ornaments and big red bows!  Our Stockings are hung by the chimney with care!

We have presents under the tree, presents hidden away, outside is trimmed with lights.  so you can easily see we are ready for Christmas!  But this year my most prized outside decoration is..... 
I love the piece of decoration this year!  Its says it all!!!  JOY!  Look at the O.  Do you see the manager scene inside?  When you add the spotlight you will see the manager scene shining on the wall.  Or at least you are suppose to.  I didn't have a solid area on my house but I still love it.  :) 
With all the hustle and bustle of Christmas parties, family outings, Hallmark movies, Classic cartoons, shopping, baking, wrapping, HOHOHO'S we can easily forget Christ.  Take away Santa, take away the presents, take a away the tree and what do you have?  The reason for the season. We wont take away Santa or the gifts or the fun memories we make and cherish with our silly Nawlin Family Fun BUT we will remember the reason we celebrate.   So you see I am easily "forgettable".  But CHRISTmas will never be forgotten in my house!
Merry Christmas! 

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